Vision, Mission & Core Values
Be a vibrant and innovative educational leader
Empower students to discover and develop their gifts and talents
- in pursuit of college readiness, productive citizenship and lifelong learning
- within an atmosphere of academic excellence with a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) focus
- to prepare for the jobs projected for American workforce
- meeting the needs of all, including those whose primary interest is non-STEM
- providing flexibility to expand in the future to a STEAM environment by adding an Arts component
Core Values:
- High Expectations: We maintain rigorous standards and expectations for our students and support them to reach their full potential.
- Family and Community Engagement: We believe that students are successful when families and the community are engaged with the school.
- Character Matters: We promote a peaceful, caring and safe community and guide our students to value integrity, be responsible and appreciate diversity.
- STEM Education: Our students will graduate with an understanding and appreciation of STEM.