During inclement weather, Frontier Schools will implement a school closing policy to ensure the safety of our students. We have two options for inclement weather days:
Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) Day: The first option is to have our Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) snow day in which we teach and learn from home. A Chromebook is available for home use for every student's household. If you haven't made arrangements to pick up a Chromebook, please contact your school's front office.
Students are required to be engaged daily with instructional content which is digitally available in their Google Classroom. Teachers post all classwork and assignments on their Google Classroom along with their ZOOM link. Students are expected to attend all required instructional sessions set by their instructor. If a student cannot attend an instructional session due to other responsibilities, the student or parent must contact the instructor to make other arrangements.
The AMI day instructional hours will be the same as the regular campus hours. Teachers post their Zoom links on Google Classroom, Class Dojo, and Clever in case students show up to ask questions. Students/Parents can also use email, text message, and phone call to communicate with their teachers.
Traditional Snow Day: The second option is to have a traditional snow day, in which we cancel school due to inclement weather. This will be a no school day for students. We announce snow days the night before or the morning of the snow day. Please be familiar with the following information sources in the event of school cancellations, early releases, or late starts.
Channels of Communication:
Please check your school's website for information regarding school closings and other cancellations within minutes of a decision.
Phone and optional voice/text messages are sent to school families when classes are cancelled, delayed or students are released early.
We will post information on the Frontier Schools District Facebook and Twitter pages.
Local Stations share announcements on-air and on their websites.